Category: Problems with the model

A Simple Question…

Mainstream Science tells us that the earth spins at 1,000 mph. If that is true then we have a problem when it comes to flying on airplanes.

Terry from Flat Out Truth asks a brilliant question that debunks the globe model.

Great job Terry!

Questions To Ponder

When researching the heliocentric model there are many questions that come up that just don’t make sense. Here are just a few to ponder…

Why do we see the same stars in December that we see in June?

If ships sail over the curve of the earth why are we able to bring them back into view with superzoom cameras like a Nikon P900?

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Searching For The Curve

According to mainstream science, we live on a planet shaped like a sphere. You will get different answers on the exact shape depending on which so-called expert you ask.

They even give us a formula to figure out how much curvature we should observe when figuring out long distances.

The curvature formula is 8″ per miles squared. This helps to give you an estimation when figuring out how much curvature is “supposed” to be there at long distances.

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