What is Pseudoscience aka Scientism?

Let’s allow one of the high priests of pseudoscience to define it for us.

So Billy boy says, “The difference between pseudoscience and regular science is whether or not you can test it.”

Then he goes on to make the claim, “Extordinary claims require extrodinary proof. The world is round.”

Billy boy where is your proof? I can wait…

Don’t hold your breath on Scientism providing you with real science, you will be waiting an eternity.

All they can offer the public is psuedoscience, nothing more.

All they give us is theory after theory.

When they can’t explain something their go to answers are gravity and refraction.

Let’s get some perspective on just how far off mainstream science is when it comes to cosmology.

Wow, just wow! You wont see this quote on the nightly news!

If your like me and your ready for some real science and your tired of all the unprovable theories and pseudoscience. It’s time we take matters into our own hands and start doing our own experiments.

Guess what? People have been doing their own experiments for years now. Here are just a few. Don’t just watch these videos do your own experiments as well.

Rob Skiba’s infamous Chicago skyline boat video. I had to mention Rob’s video first to honor him after his passing. He has helped so many people around the world sharing the truth about creation and cosmology.

Taboo Conspiracy’s 21 mile laser test. Ben did an amazing job dealing with the January cold doing his laser test over the Great Salt Lake.

D. Marble’s spirit level test. Marble had a creative idea for a test and put the globe’s curvature to the test. What were his results?

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