Growing up we are constantly fed the lie about space and space travel. The indoctrination starts at an early age and never stops if you stay plugged into the matrix.

We want to expose the constant lies Nasa puts out there about the Most High’s creation.

Not everyone that works for Nasa is a liar and deciever. But the higher ups including the astronauts are in on it. That is easy to see with all the trickery that they do on the international fake station and in other ways.

An entire website could be dedicated to all the lies and deception Nasa puts out. They just make stuff up and people accept it as truth without question.

Nothing to see here folks!

Nasa was started by Freemasons, Nazis and occultists. The organization had satanic origins. There’s no getting around that fact.

Genesis 3:13 is a very interesting verse.

Gen 3:13 And YHWH Elohim said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” And the woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

The Hebrew word for “deceived” here is “Nasha” (H5377) which means to decieve. And H5375 is sometimes spelled “Nasa” or “Nasah” means to lift up, you know like a rocket. Things that make you say hmm.

It’s time to step away from the lies and deception and walk in the truth about the Most High’s creation. Are you with me?

If your ready to learn the truth about Nasa checkout our page Exposing The Lies, where we expose Nasa’s lies and deception.

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